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Promised Land Bible Study

  • The Shoreline Church 211 Avenida Fabricante San Clemente United States (map)

Every Christian has the responsibility to provoke the Jewish people to envy with the Gospel. How are you doing?

“This study guide is a “crash course” in what the Bible says about who Israel is, why Israel is important, and our Christian responsibility toward the Jewish people. It is my desire that through this study guide, God will set your heart on fire, as He has mine, for the people who are referred to as ‘the apple of His eye.”’ - Todd Morehead - Director of Promised Land Movie

The class will continue for 5 weeks every Tuesday night from 7pm to 8:30 pm in the Upper Room. Cost is $15 for the Study Guide. 

If you would like to join, make sure to sign up by emailing Todd Morehead at

Earlier Event: June 10
Voice of the Refugees Summer Program
Later Event: June 21
Tijuana Family Trip