True spiritual transformation in people’s hearts happens best when they’ve encountered the truth of the gospel within the context of relationship, and it is easiest for us to create relationships in our everyday lives here on the home front.
Many international people are living in our neighborhoods, running local businesses, and studying at our universities, so there is great opportunity to welcome the mission field right here to our doorsteps.
Check out the Events Page for upcoming Local Opportunities to engage with our community.
As we reach out to our underserved neighbors locally, we’d love to partner with you in serving them. Please fill out the form below if you’d like to be kept in the loop as needs arise. You can jump in as your schedule allows and make a significant difference in the lives of people in need.
What gifts has God given you? What has He entrusted to you, that you could offer back to build His kingdom?
Sunday, March 9th | 11:00am
Come and learn more about the ways our church is supporting families in crisis. There are helpful things that can be done to make a real difference in the lives of kiddos and families in need, no matter the commitment level. From providing meals or clothing, to watching kids once a month, to hosting kids in your home — we’d love to share more with you over lunch! We believe everyone can do something...what's your something?
We’re continuing to respond to the LA fires in multiple ways. If you’d like to stay updated on what we’re doing and how you can be a part of it, please fill out this form.
To be added to our email list. We’ve sent encouragement to displaced families through hand-written notes, gift cards, and prayers. We’ve donated hundreds of hygiene items to families staying in shelters. Volunteer opportunities with Samaritan’s Purse are now open, and there are tangible needs
We can begin helping with for kids whose school burned down. Rebuilding these communities will be a long-term thing, and we can be a real blessing here and now for these precious neighbors. Click here for their Wish List.
We’re partnering with LifeStream to help save lives through giving blood. The need for blood is constant and each unit donated can help to save up to three lives! Our next blood drive will be on Sunday, March 9th from 8am to 1:30pm.
Want to be a blessing to people both inside and outside the church? Our Meals Team delivers meals to people who have recently had a baby, folks who are ill, or anyone in need of some encouragement. Make or buy a meal, and deliver it to the person in need. All coordinating is done via email, and you can commit as your schedule allows.
Our “Never Alone” Widows Fellowship meets monthly for an uplifting time of dinner, fellowship, connecting with other widows, and prayer. Our heart is that widows in our community and the surrounding area would feel seen, encouraged, and loved. We also have a team that serves these women monthly by assisting at the dinners, and a team that helps with home maintenance and other needed things around the house, and a team that delivers flowers and care packages on hard days. Jesus told us to take care of these precious women, and it’s our joy to provide connection and tangible help.
Check out our ways to get connected!
Contact Us for more information about how we are serving families in crisis through strong families and care communities.